Saturday, January 12, 2013

Time to dust off the ol' pen!

   Wow!! I can't believe its been almost a year since my last post. 2012 wasn't real good for furniture in my shop. I shut down the website and pretty much stopped even going out to the shop for this entire time. Due to business being so slow I had to go back to my old type of work...Construction!

   While I've been working building houses and such, all I have thought about is making chairs again. I've wanted to get back to it so bad and just haven't been able to. The worm is turning though. I am starting up a web site once again and getting back to the shop on a somewhat more regular basis now. It feels good to just create something again in the realm of woodworking.

   I've got a few chairs to make and thought I better get back to writing on the blog, if for nothing more than to get my head back into chair making like it use to be. Man, its sad when you have such a passion for something and the thing that keeps you from that passion is money alone, but I guess that's everyones issue. Who wouldn't love to do something they absolutely love and get paid to do it. I'm one lucky bozo that I at least had the "good life" for a few years.

    I've been working on my new website and I'm going to stick primarily to Windsor Chair Making. The hand tool aspect is what drives me and gets the creative juices flowing for me.

I expect to write about ideas and techniques I use in chair making plus bring anyone who wants to follow, along for the ride. I'm hoping to get some videos and pictures of the process as I do them so you can visulize what I ramble about on here.

Here's to a better 2013!!!


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