Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Chair Class Progress

 This is the second day Byron has put in on his Bow Back and doing a great job. This was his first time on a lathe and he turned a bamboo style leg and it came out great. I had a set of legs already turned for his chair before he started on Monday and this one matched those very close.
 Here you can see the how well he did and he seemed happy thats it's not as difficult as he thought.
 Now the seat on the other hand was a bit tougher. This one is poplar and he had a difficult time shaping it, we should have used a pine seat (That was my fault, I didn't order enough pine, Sorry Byron) We started later in the day on the seat and didn't get it all shaped till the following day, that poplar is so hard to shape compared to the pine.
Using the adze to begin the contour shaping.

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