Friday, June 24, 2011

Chair Class day 4 and 5

Byron had a rough day on Thursday. The back bow broke on him right at the tenon and a couple of spindles were a bit to small to fit the holes in the seat, so luckily we made extras and were able to get the others all made in time. After the spindles were remade we were back on track and able to finish the chair today by noon.

Here Byron is chiseling out the pocket for his back bow to fit. I like to cut a round tenon on the back bow so the square portion locks in and makes the transition into the seat look cleaner. While this requires a little more work it makes the chair stronger because the tenon has a shoulder and gives a stopping point once the wedge is driven in on the under side of the seat.

In my opinion, this is a stout and good looking joint for the bow.

Bryon with his completed chair. With just a few little "hiccups" we were able to get his chair all ready for paint just before lunch on Friday. I think Byron did an amazing job.  I could tell he was proud of himself for sticking it out and working through mistakes. Now he has a chair that will be here a 100 years from now, probably more.

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