Sunday, May 8, 2011

Early American Life Magazine 2011

I recently found out I was chosen for the 2011 Top 200 Directory of American Craftsmen by Early American Life Magazine. I was chosen in 2010 for Windsor Chairs alone and this year, in the Painted and Formal Furniture as well as Windsor Chair categories again. I am also going to have my Thomas Jefferson Swivel Windsor shown in the Directory issue in August. I am so excited about that, the fine folks at EAL were kind enough to ask me and I couldn't be happier. The Directory is in it's 26th year and it is a honor to be accepted. Out of the no telling how many people they have send in work, only 200 get chosen and that's not only furniture, that includes Basket Makers, Needle Work, Pottery, Paintings, just to name a few. You can check out more by going to be sure to look for a copy on newsstands in August and support local artisans in your area.

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